Monday, October 19, 2009

That Sparkle Abounds

Have you ever met someone who just seems to have a sparkle about them? Someone who always smiles, always has a ready laugh and a warm hug ready just when you need it most?

There is an awesome lady who works at the same place that I do and I met her not long after I first started my job as a reservation agent. She came to my rescue when I needed help and has been my "go-to" person ever since. She exudes confidence, a wide knowledge base of the company we work for and she seems to always have time for anyone who needs her assistance--but the most amazing and awesome thing is---she does all this with an air of positivity and warmth and a Sparkle that shines bright on even the gloomiest of days.

I have a feeling that I am not the only one in our work place who holds a high regard for the "administrative assistant" in our department. I often hear comments from my fellow co workers who also think very highly of this woman who brings a ray of sunshine into our midst. We are truly blessed to have someone of her talent amongst us and blessed to have her wide expertise and experience base to call on in our times of need. Brigette is a warm and caring individual who helps to make my time at work a joy and a delight and I am forever thankful for not only her friendship and her guidance whenever I find myself in need, but I am also thankful for the positive attitude she conveys as she carries out her duties and responsibilities in her position as administrative assistant. Our company should commend her for all the hard work she does and I hope that she feels the warm gratitude that is coming not only from me, but from so many of the others who work in the domestic reservations department.

It is with mixed emotions that I leave our place of work to venture into the realm of entrepreneurship. I leave behind so many wonderful folks that I've come to know and care about greatly--but Brigette holds a special place in my heart, for in knowing her, I have found a true friend, a caring soul and a ray of true sunshine and warmth that serves to light not just my days, but so many others' days, as well. It is my dearest hope that she realizes what a true blessing she is to all those who work at this great company of ours.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Power of Attitude

Awakening to another wondrous day, I realize that it truly is a new beginning--a chance to be the very best I can be. No looking back, no regrets--only forward movement into a bright and rewarding future. I am capable! I am strong! I can achieve any goal that I set my mind to accomplish.

With each moment I will be aware of this blessed gift. I will hold close to the fact that I am truly blessed. Each second, each minute, each hour of this day holds a wondrous opportunity for me to make it even better, even more rewarding than the one before. No longer will sadness or regret encroach upon this precious time that I have been given. I will be ever diligent in my efforts to create an aura of positivity and goodness to surround and encompass me.

Gratitude for this new day is ever present in my heart and I realize now more than ever that the power of attitude is truly all encompassing. If we believe that good will prevail in our lives, then it will be so. If we believe that there is no good to be found, then none will be found.


I choose to believe that his world I am in is a good and wonderful place. I choose to believe that my life is a gift. I choose to believe that my angels, my god, my spirit guides will all watch over me and all those I hold dear to my heart. I choose to believe that this smile that lives in my heart is contagious and will be a gift to all those who cross my path. I choose too a path of true thankfulness for all of my gifts that I receive each day.

I hope you too will choose the power and the path of a positive and thankful attitude. Possibilities are limitless when you greet each day with the expectation of something wonderful happening.

Each day is a gift. Unwrap it carefully and treasure it as a most prized possession as we never know when our precious gift may be lost or taken away. Let's enjoy it while we can and be ever thankful for what blessings we have and for what endless joys and possibilities lie ahead.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Coming of Age

Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was beginning my first day of school? I remember my mom dropping me off and the tears cascading down my face as she walked away back towards our home.
Wasn’t it just yesterday that I graduated with my senior class? I remember being so annoyed because my father wanted to snap pictures of me in my cap and gown and all I wanted was to get out of there with my friends and celebrate my new found freedom from the “grind” of school.
Wasn’t it just yesterday that I got married? And wasn’t it just a few moments ago when my first child was born? How on earth did he turn into a man so quickly with children, a wife and a home of his own?
Wasn’t it just a short time ago that my beautiful oldest daughter came into my life with her cute little carrot nose and her delicate auburn hair? Suddenly she is a mother of two—and a most awesome one at that!
Wasn’t it just moments ago that my third child came into my world and brought the gift of sunshine and joy and laughter? And wasn’t it just milliseconds ago that she was graduating with her senior class and feeling somewhat annoyed that her dad and I wanted to capture the moments with our camera…???

Coming of age. It happens so fast. Cherish every moment you have. Time literally flies and before you know it—those moments ago are in reality years gone by and you find yourself wondering, what happened to all that time?
But do you know what the most wondrous and awesome moment is of them all? It’s that moment that has yet to come—you know—the one just around the corner lying in wait for you to experience it and bask in the joy and adventure of this wonderful life!
Each day that we awaken is a gift and an opportunity to make it even better than the day before. Rejoice in that knowledge and live yours with joy and abandon and truth. Coming of age is happening no matter what—let’s get out there and make our aged years gloriously exciting and fun filled ones!
No time to waste. Life is waiting…Are you ready? I am!!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Precious Moments

Time shared,
Time spent,
Time given
Time taken--
each moment
in time
so very precious
and dear.
For every moment
for every time
you've given to me
a smile, a hug
a warm hello
or just a knowing look
to make me realize
that I am never truly alone
in this vast world of ours
I am grateful to you
beyond any words.

I have come to know
that all moments in time
are so very precious and dear
but moments spent
with you
are so very cherished --
whenever I need a tranquil
escape from the chaos
of life--
I will reach within
and remember
the moments (precious moments)
we two were able to share.
Thank you, my friend
for being there!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Inner Sunshine

I look for it every where I go. Sometimes it's hard to find--oh it's there, but you have to seek it out. Not so on this one occasion. I walked right smack into it at a time when I needed it most.

Having arrived at work a little ahead of time, I went to get organized at my work station and to look over my notes for a few minutes before having to "clock" in for duty. To my dismay, my notebook full of my notes about my fairly new job was no where to be found. I knew that I had brought it with me and immediately began the retracing of my steps -- but it was no where that I had been in the last while that I had been in the building. I spied one of my beloved instructors going into an office upstairs near my work station and I followed her in and she and the lady sitting at the desk could clearly see my distress.

Sandy gave me a comforting hug and a smile that lit up the room and introduced me to the sweet woman sitting at the desk as Bridgette. Remember my quest for inner sunshine? Well, standing there near these two women--I felt the absolute warmth and light exuding from their smiles and though there were no windows to the outside, I truly felt the sun's warm rays and brilliance as these two began to set my mind and heart at ease and assured me that my notebook would turn up. And turn up it did--Bridgette knew just who to check with and before long I had my notebook back in my possession and was one very happy camper.

Bridgette was quick to assure me that she was there to help if I had questions or needed assistance with my new position as Customer Service Rep at the call center and warmly welcomed me into the fold. Her smile and ready laugh and genuine interest truly made me feel at home and helped to put me at ease.

Since that day I have had the pleasure of stopping in to chat with Bridgette and just as she promised, when I have a question or am a bit confused about the inner workings of this new job, she is not only helpful, but goes out of her way to find the answers. Along with that--she literally brings this huge ray of sunshine and warmth that just seems to surround her. Anyone who is within her proximity feels the genuine warmth and it is truly a joyful sight to see this vibrant and warm human soul going about her job with enthusiasm and an aura of helpfulness and camaraderie.

I am always seeking out rays of sunshine and warmth. I try hard to give out my own inner sunshine as much as I can--but to stumble right smack into it when it is needed most is a gift beyond measure.

Note to self: Pleasant surprises are always waiting to be discovered. Now more than ever I have come to realize that even when I think the sky is filled with clouds, at any moment the vibrancy of inner sunshine can break through and fill the day with a warm and joyful light! Who says there are no windows in our building to let the sun shine in? We have Bridgette and her warm smile and helpful attitude to shed some much needed light on this busy, energetic atmosphere at our call center!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's My Choice (and yours too!)

With each new day comes the awakening within that I do have the power. I can choose to exude an air of confidence and inner happiness or an air of low self esteem and fear. I can choose to allow my fellow human beings to degrade and intimidate me, or I can choose to rise above their actions and hurtful remarks. I can choose to believe, to KNOW that I am a good and kind hearted person who deserves respect and consideration as a living, breathing soul on this earth.
I give no man, no woman, no child permission to degrade me, to inflict pain onto me because of their sad state of affairs or because of their own self hatred or unhappiness. My lifelong goal has always been to give goodness and kindness and understanding with a loving and caring heart to all those who cross my path. I will not allow the few exceptions that I run into in my daily life to ruin my over all perception that mankind is truly good and caring. We all are here as brothers and sisters, striving to survive, to make it, to find our way. We are each responsible for the well being of not only ourselves, but our fellow man—for in living this life with an attitude of self respect, of self worth, of knowing that we each have a stake in this great picture of life that we share—I truly believe that good will shine through.
In each life sadness will prevail at times, but sadness is not an excuse to be cruel or mean spirited to others we meet along the way. There will be days when it feels as though nothing is going right, that our world is in a state of upheaval—but again—using the turmoil, the imbalance of emotions that we experience at times is no reason, no excuse to inflict pain or rudeness on others as we go through our days.
So, as I go through my own life, I will strive to set the example, to give out good and loving vibrations, to make my actions speak far louder than my words, to shine love and warmth on all those who I meet, who I have contact with. Perhaps in so doing I will inspire others to be generous with their kind hearts as well and the day will come when goodness and kindness in our world will truly prevail. I know I have the power—and so too do you. All we have to do is choose. I choose to believe in goodness and kindness and the blessings of a warm and caring heart. – Pamela Rae

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hooray--A Brand New Year!!!


Here we are, a brand new year, a chance to start anew, to refresh, to live, to do, to be. The world is at our fingertips--it is within our power to be and do anything that we set our minds, our hearts to do.

If I've learned anything in my 53 years of life on this earth, it is this: "Thoughts become things." If we adhere to a positive attitude and believe that the world we live in is a good place, believe that we are surrounded by good people, good friends, caring loved ones, then that is exactly what we will get. Why? Because our thoughts, our actions attract exactly what it is we are putting out there.

Keep in mind that if you are a negative thinker--someone who is always saying, "I can't, I won't or I don't want to." Then guess what? You won't attract anything but negative reactions, negative responses--for just as in positive attraction, negative attitudes attract like.

So, with this wonderful NEW YEAR of 2009 beginning, I hope all of you will join me in believing firmly that Life is going to be BETTER from this moment on. We are going to find happiness, wealth, good fortune and good health as we venture forth on our journey in this beautiful, marvelous world. Life is a precious gift, our loved ones are precious gifts and each of us should be aware that each day we are given is a gift to be held with reverence and joy--to be used with utmost care. We have the opportunity to turn this gift of each new day into something we can have pride in.

I know I am going to strive to live my life as a gift. I am going to do my best to be the giving, loving, caring person that I know myself to be and at the same time, I am going to BELIEVE that this World is a GOOD place, full of good, caring people. I am going to BELIEVE that all will be well in my world, in the world that my loved ones and friends and neighbors abide in--for in so believing, I know that my belief will make it so.

THOUGHTS BEOME THINGS. Good thoughts beget good--bad thoughts beget bad. Let's choose to keep the good, positive, constructive thoughts uppermost in our minds as we live out each day and as we do--just watch the wondrous joys that abound!!!

What an awesomely wonderful gift to be starting a brand new year!!!! Hooray!!!!