Monday, October 19, 2009

That Sparkle Abounds

Have you ever met someone who just seems to have a sparkle about them? Someone who always smiles, always has a ready laugh and a warm hug ready just when you need it most?

There is an awesome lady who works at the same place that I do and I met her not long after I first started my job as a reservation agent. She came to my rescue when I needed help and has been my "go-to" person ever since. She exudes confidence, a wide knowledge base of the company we work for and she seems to always have time for anyone who needs her assistance--but the most amazing and awesome thing is---she does all this with an air of positivity and warmth and a Sparkle that shines bright on even the gloomiest of days.

I have a feeling that I am not the only one in our work place who holds a high regard for the "administrative assistant" in our department. I often hear comments from my fellow co workers who also think very highly of this woman who brings a ray of sunshine into our midst. We are truly blessed to have someone of her talent amongst us and blessed to have her wide expertise and experience base to call on in our times of need. Brigette is a warm and caring individual who helps to make my time at work a joy and a delight and I am forever thankful for not only her friendship and her guidance whenever I find myself in need, but I am also thankful for the positive attitude she conveys as she carries out her duties and responsibilities in her position as administrative assistant. Our company should commend her for all the hard work she does and I hope that she feels the warm gratitude that is coming not only from me, but from so many of the others who work in the domestic reservations department.

It is with mixed emotions that I leave our place of work to venture into the realm of entrepreneurship. I leave behind so many wonderful folks that I've come to know and care about greatly--but Brigette holds a special place in my heart, for in knowing her, I have found a true friend, a caring soul and a ray of true sunshine and warmth that serves to light not just my days, but so many others' days, as well. It is my dearest hope that she realizes what a true blessing she is to all those who work at this great company of ours.

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