Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wondrous Sensations

There is nothing better than knowing beyond a doubt that you are loved and cherished. I have been given this woundrous gift of knowing and it's the most beautiful feeling and wondrous sensation I've ever known.

I am loved dearly by so many that it truly amazes me. But the only thing to explain that I guess, is that I give out so much love to others and it just comes back.

What better way to spend one's life than by giving and doing for others as much as we can? I love to help people, to give them comfort and to make them smile. Love to give and receive the human touch--a hug can do such wonderful things to the soul. How many of us go days without someone giving us a genuine, heartfelt hug?

I seldom ever meet a fellow human being that I do not like. Seems that I can always spot the good in people and I seem to be drawn to their goodness. The evil or bad qualities they might have always seem to melt away whenever I come around. Maybe it's that the folks I meet feel my sincerity of wanting to help, of truly caring that their needs are met, that they know that someone on this earth truly cares and loves them for just who they are. I try not to ask my friends to change in any way, preferring to love who they are from within and not who they try to be on the outside to impress me or others.

For anyone who reads this and cannot feel the goodness of being loved and cherished--please know that somewhere there is someone who is waiting just for you. You will know when this person comes along because the wondrous sensations will be so prevalent and so intense that you will have no doubt. And until that happens, if you would like, write to me and I will do my best to send you good vibrations of friendship and love and help in any way I can to put a smile into your heart. Life is too short to be unhappy. I've had to learn that the hard way--but the lesson was well worth it.

Take Care, my friends. Smile and Be Happy and Know that there IS enough love in this world to go around. I promise.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Our Valentine's Gift Has Arrived!

Welcome to your world, little Kannon Cole! It may seem like a rough start, after all, you did arrive just a bit early--but we are all pulling for you! Your Mom has worked so hard to bring you into the world safely and she is so eager to hold you close and to bring you home, so now, we are all sending you our love, our best wishes, our prayers for you to grow strong and healthy. Your big sister is anxious to see you too, to give you her love and her own special welcome into this world. So many are here waiting to welcome you, to love you, to nurture you!

So hurry and get strong, our little Kannon Cole. We are all sending our prayers, our best wishes up for you and your sweet mom and your big sister and we know that you are going to love them and your Na na and Pa pa just as much as the rest of us do! Everyone is anxious to meet you, to know you, to love you!

May God and all His Angels and may our Spirit Guides and all this love flowing from our hearts touch you and help you to grow healthy, fit and strong. You are our precious Valentine Gift and a precious new member of our family.

God Bless you and your sweet Mother and big Sister!!!

With Heartfelt Love,

Your Great-Aunt Pamela Rae

Friday, February 8, 2008

Beginning Again

Okay--so this is just a teeny little setback. I woke up this morning with a crummy cold--but so far, it hasn't been all that bad. For one thing, I have my recent health issues to compare it to, and in comparison--this definitely is a cake walk.

But I will say I am kind of aggravated to be feeling a little "under the weather"-- especially since the weather is actually really NICE right now. The sun has been out, the temps are mild, the wind is low and here I sit--sniffles and a cough and lethargic and no real energy to speak of--but that's okay--tomorrow, my friends, is a BRAND NEW day and tomorrow WILL be BETTER. How do I know? Because I am willing it to be better. I know that I am going to wake up feeling great and ready to tackle some much needed chores that are awaiting me around this house. But even better--me and Mr. Paws are going to get out and enjoy the day and find us some much needed sun shine. And when next Monday rolls around I'm going to feel fantastic and be ready to tackle alot of other "isssues" in my life that have been put on hold. (Times's a wastin' so they say!)

But in the mean time, I guess I'll take it easy and try to finish reading the book I've been reading by Bill Bartman. Damn, it's good! But so too is the book, "Ask and It is Given." I'm learning some valuable lessons through these authors and cannot wait to use the tools that they are providing me. Life is good!

So, here's to New Beginnings! I'm getting a slow start, but please don't let that fool you--the day will come when this woman will have it together, be in full control and find the contentment and happiness and GOOD HEALTH that I seek! For now, I am truly content to count all of my blessings, to realize just how very fortunate I am to have so many in my life who love me and care. I am always guided and nurtured by my Spirit Guides, my angels and that too lends a wonderful comoforting warmth to my soul. But above all, I am so very glad to have my loved ones--my family, my friends. Thank you to each of you who love me and care. Please know that I love you and care so very much in return!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My Brother, Ron

I don't know if I can even describe how very much I love my brother, Ron--but I do. I have always felt an extremely close kinship to him and a connection with him that defies true description. Even when we were kids, I thought Ron was special. Always he was my ally and my best bud and when I needed him, truly needed him, he was always there.

Still, to this day--it's like that. I get around Ron and I feel that special bond that I only have with him. It's almost as if we can read each other's thoughts at times--I tend to pick up his vibes and he mine -- but it's been like that for years and years. I think because he is the first male that I ever truly loved and respected. It took forever for me to love and respect my dad -- and my older brother Ken was always in trouble, but when we were growing up, Ron was the only male that I trusted and truly loved. Even later in life I always counted on him and believed in him when I couldn't bring myself to count on or believe in any other men in my life. I always wanted to believe in men, but so many of them let me down and made me aware that they just weren't very dependable.

Then the day came when I found out that my brother had turned to drugs to drown out some of his problems and woes and I was beside myself with grief and sadness. I prayed that Ron would overcome his additction, his angels and spirit guides would touch his soul and keep him from doing further harm to himself and those who loved him so very much. Finally the day came and Ron did indeed give up the drugs, the alcohol. He is raising his beautiful daughter pretty much on his own and doing an amazing job under the circumstances. I am constantly in awe of his ability to keep food in the house, clothes on his child and transportation to get her to and from school. He always makes sure that she has the dental and medical care that she needs and keeps a warm roof over her head.

Words cannot describe how very much I love my younger brother. He is a true friend and a sweet soul and a blessing to my life. I am so very glad that I am finally back home where I can share in bits and pieces of his and my beautiful neices's life at times. I love them both so very much!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy Birthday To My Sis

Today is My sister, Cathy's birthday and I am so happy to be able to wish her a very happy birthday! She truly is an awesome woman and of course, it goes without saying that she is a fantastic and wonderful sister--but even better--she is also one of the dearest and most cherished friends that I have. Cathy has a heart of gold and a soul to match. She is a kind and caring person who truly cares about those she interacts with in her life. We are all so lucky and blessed to have her to love and share this life with!

Cathy and I have known each other almost all of our lives. I'm only 19 months older than she is and truly, it seems like she has always been a part of my life and I am so very glad!

As children growing up, I remember Cat coming up with some of the most ingenious games to play when we would be bored and looking for something to do. During the long hot summers, we'd play a game that was ongoing called "boarding school" which was inspired by a book we'd read called "The Secret Language." Sometimes we'd play outside and I remember after the movie "Bonnie and Clyde" came out--we somehow managed to get hold of some ketchup and old sheets of mom's and tore up the sheets to make bandages and used the ketchup for "blood" and got the neighborhood gang over -- and entertained the people in their cars driving by our house with our antics of shooting each other with our homemade stick guns and lying "wounded" with the white bandages wrapped with the ketchup to cover our various "wounds."

Then there's the time we (Cathy and one of my other sisters) decided to jump out of our upstairs bedroom window--(I can't remember what inspired this, a dare perhaps?). Seems like we were all three going to do it, but guess who the only one was that truly jumped??? Yep--Cathy. I couldn't believe she landed without breaking any bones--but she did!

And who always came through for me when I was a teenager and had so many babysitting jobs that sometimes I would have two or three families needing me at once? I could always count on Cathy to help out and to take one of the jobs for me so I could babysit for my "favorite" family. My other sister would often step in too.

Cathy and I shared a room growing up and we used to talk late into the night -- especially on those hot summer nights when it was almost impossible to sleep anyway. She and I would talk about anything and everything. Finally, when we would be to the point of exhaustion, we'd say "goodnight"--but we had a rule that after you said "goodnight" there would be no more conversation. UNLESS one invoked "S M M--which stood for "speak my mind"--only then could the person needing to speak her mind begin a conversation again.

And of course, there was the time when we decided to move our twin beds together to make them into one big bed--but of course we still had our boundaries--heaven forbid should one of us land in or cross the "giant's crack"--("ooh gross--you're in the giant's crack!" or "eewww--you touched the giant's crack!") Only sisters can come up with something that silly and crazy and then crack up about it then and years later!

Now, don't get me wrong--Cathy and I had our moments of complete disagreement too--I remember some knock down drag out fights where we did true bodily harm to one another. Once we were fighting out on the driveway and I kicked at Cathy and she blocked it with her hand and I wound up spraining her thumb--and another time, she and I were chasing each other through the house and I slammed the door behind me, then decided to open it to see if she was still coming, but about that time, she banged the door open just in time to catch the edge of the door on my face--that left a nice little scar down the left side of my face for a few weeks....ah--sisters!!!

Fast forward to years later though...

Just recently I was in the hospital recovering from my surgery and every morning, I'd open my eyes and there was my sis--stopping by to see me and check to see how I was doing on her way to work. Each time I saw her, my heart felt so warm and so good inside--I literally felt the love my sister was sending to me from her heart and I cannot describe the comfort it gave me knowing that she cares so much about me. But the beautiful thing is, I care that much about her and about my other sisters and my brothers too. I am so very blessed

What a wonderful Blessing for me to be able to wish my sister a very happy birthday.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hello February!

Well, I didn't expect to be greeted quite in such a way--woke up the first day of this month feeling pretty good. Made it to my dr. appt. for my post op exam just fine and got a great report from my doc (who is one of the world's best, btw). She cautioned me to continue to take it easy, but said I could drive, take nice long, liesurely walks, go shopping, but no lifting anything over 10 lbs. still.

So, I took it pretty easy for the rest of the day--went shopping and got a few things--and picked up a treat for myself--I'd been drinking water all day and decided that I just had to have a diet dr. pepper -- so bought a 20 oz. one while I was out and made it last for a few hours. But by the time I had finished drinking it, I was feeling awful--my bladder was spazzing really hard and it was a pain I hadn't even felt before and it did scare me -- so I finally get home and call my doc and she prescribes rest and motrin and water and to eat a meal so the motrin wouldn't upset my stomach, then told me that maybe the dr. pepper wasn't such a good idea. Darn! So, looks like dr. pepper is not on my agenda anytime soon. Just as well--I guess....

Anyway--I am feeling better today except that I am TIRED. Moreso than I have been! Of course, my doc also suggested that I take a pain pill at bedtime and I did and maybe it's just the "hangover" effect from that thing. Whatever it is, I haven't accomplished much at all today except laying on the couch.

So, hello February. I'm counting on finding the rest of this month alot more enjoyable than the first two days have been...

(Wish me luck!)

One good thing--I have had time to read a bit and this book I'm reading is truly inspirational and awesome and helpful! It's by an amazing man named Bill Bartman and is entitled: Billionaire--Secrets to Success. A wonderful friend loaned it to me and so far, I have truly enjoyed reading it.