Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Finding Friendship In Today's World

There is just something about looking forward to the wonders and gifts that knowing a new friend can bring. Now, I'm not talking about material gifts--I'm talking about the gift of finding out what makes another person smile, finding out what adventures and excitement has unfolded in this new friend's life. Isn't it exciting and awesome to meet new people and then find (sometimes to our amazement) that these folks we have just met have lived sometimes almost parallel lives to ours? Who knew?! The magic of friendship is in recognizing that all of us are here to give of ourselves in the hopes that we will receive in return. Those who claim to give completely selflessly are either liars or truly fooling themselves--but never fooling others. Most people can recognize a true and giving heart. Most people will respond to a joyful heart and one who is upbeat and positive because it is positivity and forward thinking that Makes Things Happen. (A very good friend taught me that).
Friendship and warmth are what makes the world go around. Along with the friendship and warmth eventually comes love if the two friends click and find that one another's personal quirks are not so annoying that they cannot blend into the realm of caring and sharing. Alot of folks are intolerant of all who are different and don't hold the same belief system as you do--but my challenge to all people is to just try to embrace someone whose views differ from yours. Take this person into your heart and do your best to at least understand and comprehend their view point. No, you don't have to agree. But at least keep an open mind and lo and behold--you may find that in spite of your differences, you have found a TRUE and CARING friend.
If we all had the same ideas, the same needs, wants, desires and the same opinions and view points--would not this world be a totally boring place to live? I choose to embrace and care and include all walks of life into my world of existence. I share my heart, my warmth, my world with all those who dare to enter my realm of existence--for in my world--there is no prejudice, no hate, no taboos--save for those who are truly evil. And should I run into someone who is evil--I side step them and send a prayer up to my angels, my spirit guides, my Universe to cleanse their tormented soul and help them to find inner peace. Evil comes from an inherent need to be loved and accepted and from pure ignorance of finding the proper ways to ask and seek out that love and acceptance.
Friendship is such a beautiful gift to both give and to receive. It is human nature to want to be accepted by others, to want to be genuinely cared for and treasured for who you TRULY are. A real friend will accept and overlook minor flaws and strive to give joy as well as receive joy from the union of two lone souls who just happened to find a blended path. And should the day come when those friends must part and go separate ways, imagine the gifts that you get to take along as you bid farewell! The gift of having known and loved and cared and learned. For each friend, each soul we meet along the way has a unique story to tell, wondrous life lessons to teach, awesome talents to share and genuine smiles and hugs and real, honest to god warmth to exude from their heart. Just how beautiful is THAT??? Friendship. Don't pass it by. Please stay open and let those souls in who are seeking a true and caring friend. Who doesn't need a friend? I know I do. Always I am open to meeting someone new. I hope you will be too!!! #

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Inspirational Sunsets, Clouds

I keep wondering just what it is about preserving life's beautiful moments with pictures...

I find myself traveling through my days, my evenings with camera in hand--I am always looking through a camera lens, trying my best to capture life's most beautiful moments, the artistic displays of nature, the wondrous and fantastic exhibitions that the sky, the clouds, the sunsets perform for me, and for you too. I hope you will enjoy these pictures. Each one "speaks" to me of it's beauty, of the wondrous and beautiful life and blessings that we are given each and every day.

These are just a few of the moments in time I have tried to capture. More to come in the days ahead...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Life is Such a Gift!!!

This life is such a gift! Never have I been more aware of that than these last few weeks. You see, I have had the awesome honor and true pleasure of spending time with my oldest daughter and her sweet family. This has been a very special time, as we have all been awaiting the birth of their newest family member, little Colton. He arrived at 7:15 a.m. on June 5, 2008.
Jenny had carried this child in her womb all these long months and already, we had all come to love him dearly. Even little Camden would walk up to Jenny's hugely swollen pregnant belly and wrap those little arms around her mommy and say, "I love you baby brother."
Jenny was so laden with child and so uncomfortable that I arrived in May to help her through those last weeks of pregnancy. She kept having strong contractions and she was so sure he was going to be born just any moment, but little Colton took his time and only came 2 weeks ahead of his scheduled due date. Thankfully, he was a good weight (8 pounds, 14 ounces) and was quite healthy, save for a bit of jaundice!
I was able to be with my daughter and her husband when their precious son was born and oh my, what a wondrous and beautiful blessing and truly awesome experience! To be able to comfort and encourage my beautiful daughter as she goes through the pains of labor--to see the love flowing between her and her husband, to watch as my daughter so bravely handles her fears and the pain--words can never really describe it adequately! I was so very proud of Jen as she was so determined to have this baby vaginally (her doctor had stated they might need to do a c-section). But that's my daughter. Whenever she decides to do something, she does it!
And now, as I prepare to take my leave after spending a beautiful week getting acquainted with my grandson and helping this little family as best as I can, I leave with a very full heart. I watch my daughter and her husband as they strive to adjust to this wonderful new addition to their family and I feel such pride and assurance that they will all do just fine. Big sister will soon realize the magnitude of her new role, Jenny and Nick will have plenty of love to share with their children and one another and this little family will bond and bring much joy and excitement and many adventures to us all as the years unfold.
I know my angels, my spirit guides, my god and my Universe will surround each of them with love and nurturing guidance (just as they do me and all of my other precious gifts of my loved ones). We all are so very blessed in this life. Yes, life is such a gift! Each morning that I awake, I am abundantly thankful!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Friday, June 6, 2008


I couldn't resist showing off our new addition! Baby Colton was born into a very loving family on June 5th at 7:15 a.m. Mommy, Daddy, Big Sis and Grandma Pam are all excited to have him here and doing well! With Awesome thanks to all who sent wonderfully good vibes and prayers for his safe "journery" into this life!~

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Magnificent Daughter, Jennifer Kay

I remember watching you when you were little--that tiny little petite strawberry blond girl and thinking, "What a wonderful mother you will make some day." I used to watch you take such loving care of your dolls, but you also tried to "mother" your older brother when you both were still pre-school age and then later, when your baby sister came along and she was growing up, you watched over her so lovingly and worried and fretted over her just as if she were your very own child.

Remember taking your sleepy headed little sis into your bed so that you could make sure that she would continue breathing during the night? You were convinced that she had sleep apnea and for all we know you were right--the doctors said that she could very well stop breathing for a few seconds at night, but she would grow out of it one day. Still, you were more comfortable checking on her and keeping her near you. It touched my heart how much you worried about her.

And now I watch you with your own little girl--you, very pregnant and ready to give birth just any day now (to a little boy this time)--and you are such a loving, strong, caring mom. I have such a great admiration for how you handle your child--the loving patience and sweetness you display even when you are extremely exhausted. It amazes me to watch you continue with your daughter's established routine at bed time--your continued determination to fix meals for her and your sweet husband. It melts my heart whenever I hear Cami's sweet little voice telling you she loves you or whenever she is pretending and I hear her talking to her toys in the same loving tones that you use with her.

I loved the time that my puppy was crying and Cami was soothing him, "It's okay, Mr. Paws, it's alright. I'll take care of you..." was her soothing refrain when he first came here and was unsure of his surroundings. I knew that her soothing tone came straight from what she experienced with her loving mommy.

What pride it gives me to know that you have grown into such a beautifully loving and caring young woman! You are a wonderful wife to your sweet husband, a fantastic friend and daughter and a fabulous mother to your daughter and I know you will be just as wonderful with your newborn son. I am honored to be a part of your family, to get to see you "in action" with this sweet little family of yours. You truly are a magnificent woman in every sense of the word. May you always know how very proud you make me and all those who love you!

With Heartfelt Love,


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Happy Birthday To Ron, June 2, 2008

On this special day, June 2, I cannot help but turn my thoughts to one of my favorite people on this earth. Today is my brother Ron’s birthday and though I am not there to wish him a Happy Birthday in person or to give him this huge hug that I carry for him in my heart, I just wanted to tell him in my own way that I love him and cherish his friendship, his kindness and I am so very proud to be his sister, his friend.
Ron is a wonderful person in so very many ways. He is truly caring and thoughtful and good from within. It is a joy to see him interact with his beautiful daughter who is just as devoted to him as he is to her. He loves his child and provides for her lovingly in the best way that he can and he teaches her valuable life lessons of kindness, caring and love and I am so proud of him!
Ron, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and I hope you feel this huge love that I am sending to you on your special day, but also every day of the year! I look forward to seeing you and your sweet Angela soon and hope that you are smiling and enjoying life and knowing that you are so very loved! Happy Birthday, Bro!
With Love Always,
Your sis, Pamela Rae