Thursday, January 31, 2008

Goodbye January!

Well, here it is the last day of January and I can't say that I'm sorry to see it come to an end. No, I don't hate the month--I am just elated that we are getting that much closer to SPRING and warmer weather!!! I am so ready to be cozy warm and get to be outside and dig in the dirt, ride my trikke and be gainfully employed and perhaps even firgure out what I'm going to do about school.

But another exciting thing about the coming of Spring is we have two babies on the way in our family. My sister's daughter is due in March and My daughter is due in June and both are boys!!! We are so excited--just imagine--two little guys to fuss over! My sister and I sure love being the proud grandma's of our grandchildren and both of us know that we are richly blessed!

So, saying goodbye to January isn't hard for me at all...I just hope that February goes fast and that March is a warm and fun month! But whatever the seasons bring, I am glad that I'm here and glad that I am near people who love me and that I love so very much. My heartfelt wish is that ALL those I know and LOVE so very much could live here and love this area as much as I do. I don't know if I could ever stand to leave Okie land again--at least not beyond leaving to go visit for awhile. I feel so at home here and so welcomed by all.

This is a beautiful place. I just wish everyone I loved felt that way...(sigh)

Oh well--no matter what, no matter how far apart my friends and loved ones are--always my love is there and always I will care.

Good bye January!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Universal Heartfelt Prayers

Dear God and Angels, Dear Universe and Spirit Guides,
Please, please bless all of my loved ones and let good and wonderful things come to each of them. Please bless my friends, both the long time friends and my new found ones and let good and wonderful things happen for them, as well.Please shine the blessings of GOOD HEALTH on each of my loved ones, on each of my friends and allow them to share this life with me for a very long time. I am so grateful and thankful for all the blessings I have received. I count my loved ones and friends as true blessings and cherish each of them more than words can say. Please guide me and help me to know how to be a good, caring, loving friend and help me to always show the vast love and devotion that I hold in my heart. Please help each of my loved ones and friends to understand how very special and dear they are to me and that I value each of them for just who they are. I do not expect anyone to change for me--all I expect is to have them accept this love I carry and to know that they are smiling from within. I am so truly blessed and mainly want each of the people in my world to know the heartfelt joy and abundance of love that I feel each and every day. May all of you feel this inner peace and joy and serenity that envelopes my soul. I am never alone. Thank you God. Thank you Angels. Thank you Spirit Guides and Thank you Universe. I am truly, truly a very fortunate woman to be given the blessing of living on this great earth of ours. Waking up each morning is a joy and gift that I am so very grateful for. Thank you~! (And I'm especially grateful to be able to wish my dear friend and soulmate, Jan, a very happy birthday and a Wonderful Year ahead!!!)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Amazing Grace--Not

Well, I wish I could say that I am quite graceful and skilled on my new toy--but unfortunately--such is NOT the case! One thing for sure though is that I've sure had fun trying!

I got this new toy (my Trikke) not long ago and put it together only to find out that one of the parts was designed wrong for this particular machine, so had to wait on the correct part. It finally came just a few days ago and as soon as I got it slapped on that baby--I started trying to "master" this thing. Now, I will tell you, I have had more fun trying to learn it than I've ever had before when it comes to a sport. Rollerblading was unnerving in the learning phase and as a kid learning to ride a bike was just hard work for me. I am just not athletically inclined like some folks are--I have to work, work, work to get good at any thing that requires fine motor skills and coordination. The same is true with this Trikke--it looks far easier than it really is (when you watch the videos--go to and you'll see what I mean). But, oh--it is so much fun learning it! I'll get this down, just you wait and see!

The first day I got on it, I did get it going fairly well and promptly developed a little too much confidence and boom! Next thing I know I'm picking myself up off the ground and untangling from the Trikke. Yep--got a very nice sized bruise on the outside of my right thigh -- but oh well--all part of the learning curve...

Now here is the sad part: I am getting ready to go in for "major" surgery today (this afternoon) and for the next 6 weeks or so I have to let that Trikke stand alone out in my garage and am forbidden to even get on it and try to ride it. Can't risk screwing up the healing process after the surgery. Arrgh! But that's okay--my daughter in law says it will serve as good incentive for me to hurry up and get all better--and you know what? I think she's right! It definitely will give me incentive to follow "orders" and to get my health on track so that when I am all healed I can go at it "full force" and learn this thing.

I have such peace of mind about my surgery--I know my angels, my spirit guides and my god is with me and will be guiding my doctors' hands as they work on me and work to get me to feeling like a real human being again. I have so much love surrounding me that I know all will go well and that in the weeks to come, I will be well on the way to feeling wonderful again. My goal is to be healthy and fit and to live out the rest of my life in good physical shape and to be around for a LONG time to "torment" all those who I know and love and to drive them crazy and be as ornery as I can. Hee Hee! :)

I know beyond a doubt how very blessed I am to have so many in my life who love me and care. Thank you so very much to all of you who do love me and thank you for your kindness from your hearts, for your help whenever I am in need and for your love and warmth. Each of you are so very special and dear to me and I am so very thankful!

I love you David, Jenny and Amy so very, very much~! Please know how very proud I am of each of you~~I feel like the luckiest Mom in the world to have such three beautiful, intelligent and wise children who are truly good and kind hearted people. A mother cannot ask for anything more than that. Yes, I am SO VERY BLESSED!!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Mr. Paws

Oh my--what an abundance of gifts that I have been blessed to receive! For one, I am the proud owner and friend of a darling little four legged friend. He is a 10 week old Yorkie-poo puppy who is just a delight to have in my life! I've only had him for a few weeks, but already, it is hard to imagine life before he ever came along. He is a bundle of joy--black curly hair with a cute little white patch (tuft) just on top his head and a cute little white mustache and beard--a darling teddy bear face. He is all personality and only stands about 5 inches high and weighs in at a whopping 2 pounds 8 ounces--but don't think this little guy isn't full of vhim and vinegar! He is amazing! His favorite toy? A red matchbox car (lambrogini) and when you roll it to him, he rolls it back to you and plays the back and forth game for a time until he just can't stand it any longer--then grabs it up in his tiny little mouth and runs off to play with it on his own--making it roll and tossing it about like a giant with a toy car--well, think about it--he has to feel like he's bigger and stronger than Something! And oh, he's smart. Already he has figured out that he has to do his business on the newspapers by the back door and the ones near his kennel and he seldom messes anywhere he shouldn't. Tonight he made me proud--I took him over to my neighbor's house and took along a puppy pad and showed him where I placed it and told him if he needed to "go" that this would be the spot. Sure enough--not long after we were there, he strolled right over to his appointed spot and peed on his puppy pad and my neighbor was convinced that I have the smartest and cutest puppy in the world. (hee-hee--I already Know that!). He is so precious and so much fun company for me and oh, let me tell you--he loves, loves, loves kids--(my neices) took to them right off and he is such a sweet little guy. He loves to "talk" and to complain, but it's all an act--he's really a very happy and positive guy and his name? Why Positivity, of course. We call him "Mr. Paws" for short or "Paws" whenever we feel like it--but he is one very positive and fun little guy.

So many gifts have come into my life of late. I love my 86 year old neighbor and have been blessed with making a new and wonderful friend. She is a joy to know and I know that we were placed on this earth at this place and time to be one antoher's angels. She and I both feel a unique bond and we know how very precious and special it truly is. One day, I'll have to write about this sweet and amazing woman.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Brother Sisters and Neice

Wow! Tonight was such an enjoyable night. My younger brother came over to visit and do his laundry and brought his sweet little daugher over who just recently turned 11. I loved seeing them again and truly enjoyed chatting with them.

But tongiht was also the night that my sisters and I had decided to get together for a night out and we went out to dinner at Outback and it was just so fun to be with all three of my sisters and to have a few moments with "the girls". Have to admit, I wish the night would have lasted longer--the weather was not too agreeable, so my youngest sister had to call it a night early to get home before the roads got too bad. I would so enjoyed more time with her. I love her and my other two sisters so very much. But so too do I love my younger brother and his daughter. My heart just fills with joy whenever I am with my sisters and my brother--I love them all so very, very much. It is a struggle for me not to want to just hug and kiss each of them over and over--so much love in my heart for them and so little time to give this love. Please God, tell each of them how very much they mean to me. I cherish each of my siblings--love them so very much for all of the gifts they bring to my life. I am so very blessed!

I wish I wasn't so tired. I would love to go on about what all was said and all the laughter that was shared--but I am truly too tired. Just suffice it to say that my heart feels so much happiness and warmth in knowing that I have my siblings who love me and care. Thank you God, thankyou angels, thank you spirit guides. Good night.