Thursday, November 20, 2008

Evening Sun

There is just something about the setting sun...

This was one of the many shots I took out at Lake Hefner in OKC.

The lake,
the sunset,
the gulls
all seem
to call out to me,
they lure me in
just as a fish
is lured to a wiggling worm
on the end of a hook--
I cannot help myself,
I take picture after picture
aching desperately
to share
with those who cannot be there
just what this beauty is that I see.

The sunset,
the water,
the beautiful sky
all call to me
and my hope,
my wish
is to share with others
the intense Beauty
that I am allowed
to see.

With Love,
Pamela Rae

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day of Awakening

Woke up this morning just like every other morning--my little puppy licking my face, demanding that I let him outside to go potty. "But it's not even daylight yet!" I complained to my little guy. He didn't care. This is a brand new day, "come on, let's get started!" he seemed to say as his little body wriggled and shook and he let out a great big good morning yawn and stretched.

"Okay, okay--I'm up!" I kind of grumbled, but then he was just so darn cute, I couldn't stay too grumpy. He nearly flew out the door when I opened it and he did his thing, then came bounding back in, grabbing his toy football on the way and daring me to "tackle" him to get it--but hey, I hadn't even had my coffee yet. Do you think he cared? Nope. He comes over and drops the little red football at my feet and looks up at me with what I swear looked like a real smile and I bend down to pick it up to throw it for him, but this little guy grabs it just a split second before I could and does his mock "angry growl" at me. He wants me to chase him and try to grab the ball--but I've done this drill before and there is no way I can catch this little rascal. He's just too fast. But I chase him anyway and we play for a few minutes, then finally he is content to play his own game while I make my coffee.

Finally, coffee cup in hand--the aroma wafting through my senses, I am beginning to feel "alive" and I go in and fire up my computer to check my email. Each morning I get a very special email from "The Universe" and today's message was kind of neat, but it was a link down towards the bottom that blew me away when I clicked on it and saw the "U-Tube" video that the Universe wanted to share. This video is about an amazing man born with no limbs. He goes around to various schools giving inspirational speeches and the video depicts several areas of his life that demonstrate his amazing perseverance and abilities to deal with everyday life and to live his amazingly "normal" life. His name is Nick Vujicic and he speaks with an endearing European accent and a very open heart. I hope you will get to find his video on U-tube.

He has inspired me to be the very best I can be, to live each day to the fullest and to be thankful for the many true blessings in my life. If you'll go to and check out this website, you'll find a wealth of goodness and fun. Go ahead and sign up to receive these inspirational (not religious) messages from the Universe each weekday. It's free and believe me, there are gems to be found on this site, and in the messages that you'll receive and even if you wake up grumpy, you can't help but think something good is about to happen once you realize that "Thoughts become Things."

Anything is possible if we will only believe! I'm not talking about believing in religion--just believing that we as human beings can make a difference, can bring about change and can influence our own lives, the lives of our loved ones by BELIEVING that GOOD WILL PREVAIL. Try it--start thinking good, positive thoughts and watch your world around you begin to change for the better. Even before Nick's inspirational video--I have always believed that GOOD BEGETS GOOD AND BAD BEGETS BAD. But now I am even more aware that our THOUGHTS DO BECOME THINGS.

If you wake up and tell yourself it's going to be a crummy day, believe me--that's just what you'll get. If you wake up and think, "this is going to be a great day--I'm going to make it Happen!"--your day WILL be GREAT. All you have to do is focus on the positive and know that good is coming your way.

Thanks, Universe for allowing me the joy of awakening to a new day! Today is going to be FANTASTIC!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Autumn at the Lake

This Love

If ever I find the words
to express this huge
all encompassing love
that lives inside my heart--
I hope these words
will find a way
to go straight to you.
For in knowing you,
loving you,
sharing times and memories
with you--
I have found
such a love
that envelopes my being
my very soul.
You see--
this love
that dwells within
is so great
and so huge
and so very intense
that it threatens
to erupt
in a happiness
and joy
that knows no bounds.
This love?
It is Sincerity
and Friendship,
and life.

This love?
Dedicated to all
in my life
who truly love me
and who truly care
and who take the time
to reach out and share.

I am so abundantly blessed.
This love.--
Always I will search
for just the right words
to express to you,
My Friends, my Family,
my Fellow man--
just how very much
this gift of your friendship,
your love and warmth
mean to me.

As long as there is
this wonderous encompassing love
my spirit will forever
soar FREE. #