Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another Wonderful Birthday Gift!

I guess we'll just call my 53rd birthday the birthday that just keeps on giving! I was given another wonderful gift this very day--the gift of hearing my good friend, Cheryl's voice over the telephone wires. She had left me a voice mail yesterday apologizing for having missed my birthday and by a wonderful stroke of luck, I happened to call her back today just as she was getting home from work!

Hearing her voice was absolutely one of the nicest and most precious gifts I could have ever received! So what if it's not my birthday! Anytime I talk to Cheryl it truly feels like a very special occasion because she is so wonderful at listening and really hearing what I have to say and she gives me wonderful, very thoughtful feedback which is always positive and heartfelt. After two hours of talking to her, my heart feels light, I'm smiling and feeling even more blessed than ever. You see, she is a very dear friend who I met up in Minnesota, one who has touched my heart from early on and I am so glad that my angels sent her into my life. She helped to pull me through some very rough times and kept me grounded when I needed someone to truly listen and care.

Cheryl has so very much wisdom and such a good, kind heart and I feel so honored to count her among my cherished friends. She makes me smile and reminds me that this world I live in is truly GOOD.

Thank you, Cheryl, for your time today--the two plus hours we spent chatting and catching up was such a wonderful way to spend my Sunday evening. You are a true and very cherished treasure of a friend and I am so blessed to have met you when I lived up in MN. Thank you for being my friend, for the smiles. I will always cherish any time that we are able to share and hope that my day to day "antics" and "adventures" give you a few smiles too!

Thank you for the times you think of me, take time to listen and to care. You are so very awesome in so many ways and all who know you must surely see the strong, wise and very caring woman that you are. I know I do!

God Bless!