Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hooray--A Brand New Year!!!


Here we are, a brand new year, a chance to start anew, to refresh, to live, to do, to be. The world is at our fingertips--it is within our power to be and do anything that we set our minds, our hearts to do.

If I've learned anything in my 53 years of life on this earth, it is this: "Thoughts become things." If we adhere to a positive attitude and believe that the world we live in is a good place, believe that we are surrounded by good people, good friends, caring loved ones, then that is exactly what we will get. Why? Because our thoughts, our actions attract exactly what it is we are putting out there.

Keep in mind that if you are a negative thinker--someone who is always saying, "I can't, I won't or I don't want to." Then guess what? You won't attract anything but negative reactions, negative responses--for just as in positive attraction, negative attitudes attract like.

So, with this wonderful NEW YEAR of 2009 beginning, I hope all of you will join me in believing firmly that Life is going to be BETTER from this moment on. We are going to find happiness, wealth, good fortune and good health as we venture forth on our journey in this beautiful, marvelous world. Life is a precious gift, our loved ones are precious gifts and each of us should be aware that each day we are given is a gift to be held with reverence and joy--to be used with utmost care. We have the opportunity to turn this gift of each new day into something we can have pride in.

I know I am going to strive to live my life as a gift. I am going to do my best to be the giving, loving, caring person that I know myself to be and at the same time, I am going to BELIEVE that this World is a GOOD place, full of good, caring people. I am going to BELIEVE that all will be well in my world, in the world that my loved ones and friends and neighbors abide in--for in so believing, I know that my belief will make it so.

THOUGHTS BEOME THINGS. Good thoughts beget good--bad thoughts beget bad. Let's choose to keep the good, positive, constructive thoughts uppermost in our minds as we live out each day and as we do--just watch the wondrous joys that abound!!!

What an awesomely wonderful gift to be starting a brand new year!!!! Hooray!!!!