Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's My Choice (and yours too!)

With each new day comes the awakening within that I do have the power. I can choose to exude an air of confidence and inner happiness or an air of low self esteem and fear. I can choose to allow my fellow human beings to degrade and intimidate me, or I can choose to rise above their actions and hurtful remarks. I can choose to believe, to KNOW that I am a good and kind hearted person who deserves respect and consideration as a living, breathing soul on this earth.
I give no man, no woman, no child permission to degrade me, to inflict pain onto me because of their sad state of affairs or because of their own self hatred or unhappiness. My lifelong goal has always been to give goodness and kindness and understanding with a loving and caring heart to all those who cross my path. I will not allow the few exceptions that I run into in my daily life to ruin my over all perception that mankind is truly good and caring. We all are here as brothers and sisters, striving to survive, to make it, to find our way. We are each responsible for the well being of not only ourselves, but our fellow man—for in living this life with an attitude of self respect, of self worth, of knowing that we each have a stake in this great picture of life that we share—I truly believe that good will shine through.
In each life sadness will prevail at times, but sadness is not an excuse to be cruel or mean spirited to others we meet along the way. There will be days when it feels as though nothing is going right, that our world is in a state of upheaval—but again—using the turmoil, the imbalance of emotions that we experience at times is no reason, no excuse to inflict pain or rudeness on others as we go through our days.
So, as I go through my own life, I will strive to set the example, to give out good and loving vibrations, to make my actions speak far louder than my words, to shine love and warmth on all those who I meet, who I have contact with. Perhaps in so doing I will inspire others to be generous with their kind hearts as well and the day will come when goodness and kindness in our world will truly prevail. I know I have the power—and so too do you. All we have to do is choose. I choose to believe in goodness and kindness and the blessings of a warm and caring heart. – Pamela Rae

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